MCA in Cyber Security and Block chain

Masters of Computer Applications with
Cyber Security and Block Chain

2 Years

Live Classes | One hour per course

Total Credits

Knowledge Partner

About Programme

Online MCA Cyber Security and Block Chain is a Postgraduate programme of 2 years that conveys a deep knowledge of cyber security and Block Chain. This programme provides you with numerous opportunities in different fields and provides you with a deep understanding of cybersecurity challenges.

Cyber Security is a rapidly expanding field. As the risk of cyber-attacks is greater than ever, companies are fighting to fill their ranks with professionals that can protect their information and networks. Cyber security provides a solid foundation in cybersecurity fundamentals, including understanding the principles of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data and systems.

Blockchain is a vital topic within the industry right now as more and more organizations are using the technology to process cryptocurrency payments between different parties. This course will provide a foundational understanding of what blockchain technology is, how it works, and its key components, such as blocks, chains, consensus mechanisms, and distributed ledgers and explain the relationship between blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Cover topics like digital wallets, transactions, and mining.

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