Quardant 3: FAQs

Unit 01

Importance of macro economics

National National Income: Meaning, definition and importance of macroeconomics

GNP, NNP, GDP, NDP personal income, disposable income, per capita income, real national income

Unit 02

meaning of employment and its types

Classical theory of employment

Say’s law of markets

Keynesian theory of employment

Consumption Function: APC, MPC

Factors influencing consumption function

Investment Function: Marginal efficiency of capital (MEC) and rate of interest

Unit 03

Money: Meaning, classification and function

Quantity theory of money

Modern quantity theory of money

M1, M2, M3 and M4 measures of money supply

Fisher’s quantity theory of money

Unit 04

Trade Cycle: Meaning and definition

Phases of trade cycle

Inflation: Definition, types

Causes and effects of inflation

Measures to control inflation

Unit 05

Functions of commercial banks

Process of credit creation

Concept of non- banking finance companies

Unit 06

Meaning and functions of SEBI

Importance of stock market

Primary markets

Secondary markets

Quadrant 04: Secondary markets

Concept of Shares

Concept of debentures

Function of RBI

Quantitative methods of credit control

Qualitative methods of credit control

Quadrant 03: Secondary markets


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